About The Steele Group
The Steele Group is a privately held management consultancy specializing in the customer side of business success. We are passionate about the work we do in this area and seek clients who share the same commitment toward understanding and improving business results through the customer relationship.
Fundamental to our approach is helping businesses think differently about the customer process, influencing a willingness to make changes, and designing sustainable near and long term strategies that provide measurable returns.
We believe working smart and efficiently; requiring cost and financial return to be critical components of the customer relationship management process. We believe company culture, industry mores and customer input to be equally important. We believe you can have it both ways - be extremely cost efficient and be exceptionally customer focused. We believe this creates leading companies.
Engagement Philosophy
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein,1879-1955Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Our engagements provide for both short and longer-term customer process improvement consulting. Our approach is built on a foundation that requires team based facilitation of new methods, and structured critical thinking, that allows for provocative engagements and outcomes driven by existing and emerging customer requirements.
To effectively accomplish the discovery and desired outcome of the change event, the scope of work and charter is developed and reviewed with the assigned owners and sponsors who we believe are central to success. Equally important are the cross functional partners and stakeholders who will be owners of key events and processes in the model. The work at hand must have an objective, critical path, leadership commitment and measurable outcome; no exceptions.
We attempt to do as much preparatory work, e.g. interviews, process documentation, research from our local offices with a view to contain travel costs, minimize on-site distractions, and meet budget expectations.
Our clients will always have a senior consultant leading our engagements. Our philosophy is to be small and focused, ensuring our clients derive the experience and knowledge mindshare our consultants offer. This is typically 20 or more years in the discipline for each consultant.